Tientallen Nederlandse gemeenten, provincies en het Rijk ondertekenen vandaag het Schone Lucht Akkoord. De partijen willen de luchtkwaliteit in Nederland verbeteren. Door een aantal nieuwe maatregelen voor het verkeer, de scheepvaart, de industrie, de landbouw, de bouwsector en […]
The lockdown and related measures implemented by many European countries to stop the spread of COVID-19 have led to a sudden decrease in economic activities, including a drop in road transport in many cities. To assess how this […]
The London Underground has high levels of a type of air pollution linked to health problems including heart disease, strokes and lung cancer, according to a new study. Research carried out on various parts of the network found that […]
There isn’t enough space on Earth to plant the amount of trees it would take to prevent the climate from warming by 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Humans emit roughly 30 to 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide, or the greenhouse gas known as CO2, […]