Genetisch onderzoek te ingewikkeld? Neem een verhelderende duik in De Codebreker van Walter Isaacson. Over DNA, zijn moleculaire broertje RNA en het ‘genetische schaartje’ waarmee virussen onschadelijk kunnen worden gemaakt. Op 9 oktober 2020, om 02.53 uur ’s nachts, hoort […]
Slechts één op de duizend (0,1 procent) van de coronabesmettingen valt te herleiden naar contacten in de buitenlucht. Dat concludeert de Ierse gezondheidsdienst HPSC, dieruim 232.000 coronagevallen onder de loep nam. Na onderzoek van deze 232.000 besmettingen bleek […]
The comfortable and highly-functional face masks from Purar have been awarded with the prestigious Red Dot Award. Singapore/Ludwigsburg April 12, 2021 – Outstanding design performance: The classic Purar Air Mask has the honor of receiving this year’s Red […]
More than 90 percent of the global population breathes dangerously high levels of air pollution. Due to its ubiquity and severity, air pollution constitutes the world’s biggest environmental health hazard, contributing to as many as 7 million premature […]
Air pollution is the largest environmental risk to human health globally. Tens of thousands of people died from related deaths last year, despite an economic slow down caused by coronavirus. In the five most-populated cities air pollution caused […]
When coronavirus-induced lockdowns first began nearly a year ago, millions of Americans were forced to abandon their morning commutes, pack up their offices, and begin working from home.  Not much has changed since. A December study from Pew Research Center found […]
The lockdown and related measures implemented by many European countries to stop the spread of COVID-19 have led to a sudden decrease in economic activities, including a drop in road transport in many cities. To assess how this […]